About Me
My name is Evelyn Hernandez. I'm a 5-year-old girl.

My birthday is
September 19, 2018.
Sponsorship Program

Children's Center

Family Status

Single Mother, 1 Child

Favorite Things

Going to school, playing with friends and building puzzels

My Story

Evelyn and her mother Ibet have been a part of the Casa de Luz family since the fall of 2022. They had recently moved to Primo Tapia from Mexico City, and Ibet had no one to care for her daughter while she worked at a local restaurant. In addition to working hard to provide for her daughter, Ibet is also continuing studying online to become a teacher! Evelyn has been chronically sick with respiratory issues since moving to Primo Tapia, and she and her mom would appreciate prayers for her healing. We are so thankful to have Evelyn and Ibet as part of the Casa de Luz family, and we look forward to all that God is going to do in and through their lives.